When Should I Outsource?



When should you outsource work?
People ask me this question all the time….
I personally believe if your building a business nothing should be outsourced until you know how to do the job yourself! If your starting a business with no knowledge of the niche you are literally selling yourself up for failure…

Lets start with sales, the most important part of a business…
 Meaning…when you start a new business, you’ll need to obtain new client’s? you need to be confident to make sales? Confidence comes from knowledge… “The more knowledge you have about something the more confident you will become in speaking about it”
How are you supposed to sell something you know nothing about it!?

Err Err… 

Imagine that…

Ill use Facebook Ad’s for example… 

“Your saying you can increase our businesses exposure using Facebook Ads? How would you do this?/ What steps would you take?”

Your Reply…

“Err I don’t know sir… I just outsource it”

“Wow so your saying you can generate us more loads using Facebook? How?”

“Err.. well the guy we outsource it to does it… I think he uses a lead form or something?”

HAHA! People actually say this… and wonder why they can’t land a deal…!!
If somebody came into your business like that, would you do business with them???

 Come on… you need to be professional, knowledgeable & really have a solid plan in place for them BEFORE the meeting…! Who an earth is going to pay you big money to manage their accounts & bring them business if you have no clue what you’re doing & are just going to be sending the work over to some guy in India… They could just do that & save themselves a lot of money…
One other thing to remember…


you’re going to look very stupid if you have a meeting for example with a business marketing director who already knows “Facebook Ad’s inside out” & you have no idea what a custom audience is or how to create one… Trust me it happens! Lucky for my I had done my homework… & actually taught him a thing or two!

So to conclude I personally wouldn’t outsource anything until you’ve master it yourself.  You are a business owner, the main man, the engine room, the driving force of the business!
If you don’t like sales... Don’t start a business
If you’re not good at sales… Practice
Practice makes perfect. 

There’s no race in business, patience & practice makes perfect which = success.
Rushing, no skills, no knowledge = guaranteed failure. 

If you have money to start a business & employ people to do the work for you this is also a mind field…. Kind of like a spoilt kid with no life experience, when sh*t gets real… you crumble
You need to outsource OR offload the work to scale! BUT MASTER IT FIRST

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Ben Alistar is the owner of R1meda and partner at Bk media! Ben Alistar is currently mastering the art of SMMA. SMMA – Social media marketing management is the use of social media platforms and websites to promote businesses! This is essential what SMMA is!
r1media is a full-service advertising agency serving clients all over the world, in addition to r1media and Bkmedia also includes Bkcauses which helps charities with their SMMA, marketing funded by the public, giving charities the exposure, they need!
In addition to running his businesses Ben Alistar is also a competitive athlete who loves competition in sports! He instils the same passion into his businesses!
Ben Alistar is a rising public speaker and is known for his generosity for helping new SMMA students get their foot on the SMMA ladder! His paid courses & books are the cheapest on the market but packet with the most value.
Ben Alistar has released 2 books, 1 is an SMMA pocket guide! The other is a Facebook Ad’s walkthrough! Both crafted to help the beginners get started!
Both Books are linked together! The SMMA book really kicks things off with the Entrepreneur mindset skills which are the most crucial part when starting SMMA. This is a tough path and requires a strong mindset.
